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Kingspan makes 7-Star easy

Australia’s NCC 2022 introduces 7-Star energy efficiency building standards that vary by region. Achieving these standards with cost-effectiveness is possible through a combination of Kingspan insulation and membranes.

Rigid board insulation, such as Kingspan Kooltherm, allows for continuous installation, guaranteeing long-term value and exceptional thermal performance. Kooltherm is suitable for roofs, walls and floors and has the option of internal installation, reducing labor expenses.

In addition to insulation, effective management of condensation risks in wall systems is essential for NCC 2022 compliance. High-performance building wraps, sarking, and membranes like Kingspan Thermakraft mitigate these condensation risks.

The synergy of Kooltherm insulation and Thermakraft wraps ensures compliance with evolving NCC 2022 standards. These solutions provide high-performance insulation and effective condensation risk management, simplifying adherence to the latest building code changes across Australia.