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CarePlus carpets for aged care facilities

The five CarePlus Carpet ranges are technically engineered for aged care environments without compromising style or design. CarePlus carpets have an integrated moisture barrier system that keeps all spills away from the subfloor. CarePlus also features an antimicrobial system, which ensures that odours caused by microbes are prevented. The MicroGard antimicrobial is a non-pesticide, zinc-pyrithione-based system that has a long history of safe use in consumer products like anti-dandruff shampoos. Effective microbial control also deters the presence of the house dust mite on the floor by removing their primary food source.

CarePlus is constructed using solution-dyed nylon as the yarn of choice, which has excellent performance and infinite colourways. All styles can be custom-coloured to suit any design theme, and custom designs are also available. CarePlus carpets are manufactured in a facility that is powered entirely by renewable energy. All products have post-consumer waste in the backing and some products have recycled content in the yarn.