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Tests show this 35-year-old Altro D25 floor still has a Class W low-risk slippage rating.

Altro’s long-life safety flooring

A supermarket delicatessen in Victoria, built in 1973, still has its original Altro D25 Bone floor. Altro recently visited the store to find that the integrity of the sheet vinyl was very much sound, performing its anti-slip and hygiene functions without any visible signs of wear.

To measure how safe it was, a slip resistance Pendulum Test was conducted by an independent test house as per Australian standards. The result was 46, achieving a Class W rating or “Low Risk of Slippage.” This is the same expectation as a brand new Altro D25 floor.

So, the Altro D25 is still performing as well as the day it went in. Think of how many accidents it has prevented in the past 35 years!