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ComfortPlus glass reduces glare, insulates against the harsh summer sun and prevents heat loss.

ComfortPlus glass

In a typical home using ordinary glass, around 90% of heat gain in summer enters through the windows. Conversely, in winter, around 50% of the building’s heat loss also occurs through the window areas. This compromises the home’s energy efficiency and can result in an uncomfortable living environment.

ComfortPlus glass is part of Viridian’s extensive suite of glass products designed to improve energy efficiency. Viridian’s ComfortPlus works 24/7 for the life of the window, providing year-round comfort and energy savings.

ComfortPlus incorporates a solar-control component with a special low-e coating. Installation of Viridian’s ComfortPlus reduces the sun’s heat, glare and UV infiltration in summer. In winter, it acts to reflect interior heat back into the home, reducing the loss of valuable warmth.

Use of glass increases the amount of natural daylight that enters the home, reducing the need for artificial lighting.