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Fisher and Paykel’s ActiveSmart technology keeps a consistent temperature.

Fisher and Paykel’s ActiveSmart technology keeps a consistent temperature.

Activesmart by Fisher & Paykel

The fridge door is the most used door in the home, and every time it is opened the fridge environment changes.

Fisher and Paykel’s unique ActiveSmart technology helps to maintain a consistent and controlled temperature around food no matter how many times the door is opened. ActiveSmart is controlled by a smart “brain”that combines temperature sensors with smart electronics and variable speed fans.

It constantly monitors fridge use and the surrounding environment, adjusting airflow accordingly. ActiveSmart controls the weather inside your fridge to endure constant, even temperature, keeping food fresher for longer. ActiveSmart also features quality temperature “pull down” performance ratings, meaning rapid freezing and cooling of newly introduced foods to prevent food spoiling and to extend food life.

Good design is good for everyone and with that in mind, Fisher and Paykel has designed a family of refrigerators to suit every lifestyle and every kitchen, using ActiveSmart technology to change the way people live and shop.