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An engineered sprung dance floor benefits the bodies of young dancers.

Sprungfloor by Show Works

Sprungfloor by Show Works™ was invented to provide the right environment for dancers. Sprungfloor by Show Works™ offers a fully tested and engineered sprung dance floor that enjoys 60% force reduction, one of the critical requirements of both DIN and FIBA testing standards. It is designed, patented, manufactured and distributed in Australia and is already proving a popular choice for large and small projects.

At up to half the cost of its competitors, Sprungfloor by Show Works™ offers a highly functional, non-invasive sprung dance floor that won’t break the bank. It has already been installed in Chunky Move Studios in Melbourne, Raw Dance Company in Brisbane and many smaller dance studios around Australia.

It is easy to install by any competent person and can be sent anywhere around the world from the Melbourne base.