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Uridan Captain is a simple unisex urinal made from an extremely durable, lightweight fibreglass.

Reduce water usage, expenses – and queues

Uridan Captain is a simple unisex urinal made from an extremely durable, lightweight fibreglass. With smooth, curved surfaces to simplify maintenance, it is an ideal amenity for high-traffic settings.

Captain is a hygienic alternative because operating the unit requires neither contact nor flushing. Toilet tissue can be disposed of in sensor-activated waste bins, and privacy can be maintained by installing the units in cubicles.

To ready the urinal for operation, simply install it – no water or electricity connection is required. Then maintain the unit with affordable, biodegradable Urilock blocking fluid.

Benefits include:

  • Caters for all sexes and ages
  • Minimises environmental impact
  • Is easy to clean and sanitise
  • Reduces ongoing maintenance costs – no sensors, flush
  • mechanisms or solenoids necessary