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Eveneer Prefinished Xilo White Touch timber surfaces were specified at Stanhope Court by interior designer Telha Clarke. Photography: Timothy Kaye.

Whether supplied as sheets or panels, Eveneer Prefinished takes the uncertainty out of specifying timber veneer. Photography: Timothy Kaye.

Elton Group’s Eveneer Prefinished range

Consistency, tactility, and beauty in an efficient and sustainable timber surface.

Eveneer Prefinished Alpi Xilo White Touch, selected by Telha Clarke for its creamy warmth for Stanhope Court in Melbourne, was “the perfect look and feel. Eveneer is the most consistent veneer on the market. We are blown away by the colour, grain, and finish. You can’t help but touch it,” says Tim Clarke. Eveneer Prefinished has been expertly used in a way where is not just a finish, it’s integral to the volume of the space.

With a state-of-the-art polished finish, Eveneer Prefinished is ready to go, saving time in manufacture, logistics and cost and offering certainty in terms of the final appearance and quality. Because few cabinetmakers continue to polish in house, sending veneered items out for polishing can add considerable time and cost. Eveneer Prefinished offers the perfect solution.

Supplied as sheets or panels, Eveneer Prefinished is the go-to for specifiers and builders alike for its quality of finish and its reliability, which takes the uncertainty out of specifying timber veneer.

The three carefully selected polishes – Touch, Groove and Wax – are designed to bring out the essential character of the individual timbers through natural textures and low gloss levels. Factory applied and incorporating UV inhibitors, they result in an even, professional, and high-quality timber surface that can be directly applied to panels, joinery, or furniture without additional finishing.

Eveneer Prefinished is made from timber grown in agricultural plantations and FSC-certified forests and is rated E0 for formaldehyde emissions. Elton Group is FSC-certified (Forest Stewardship Council – Licence Code FSC-C02094) and committed to supplying timber veneers in accordance with advanced environmental standards for forests, water utilization and raw material usage.

All wood used to produce the veneer originates from sustainably managed forests according to strict environmental, social, and economic standards and other controlled sources.

As a part of its ongoing commitment to excellence and best practice, Elton Group has just released Eveneer® Prefinished ALPIready, the next generation of prefinished timber veneer. Made from two layers of timber with a polished finish, it is an exceptional, entirely timber surface solution that provides increased flexibility, stability and sustainability in addition to a Group One fire rating.