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Scyon Secura helps protect tiled balconies against moisture damage.

Secura exterior flooring

Balconies are one of the most commonly noted items on defects lists and rectification of the problem can be costly. Scyon Secura is an easy way to avoid expensive balcony rectifications. This highly water-resistant structural flooring substrate helps protect tiled balconies against moisture damage.

“It might cost a bit more, but in the end, (Secura) pays for itself,” says Ralph Ganino, building manager of Orbit Homes, who has enjoyed great success in reducing balcony failures.

Designed for tiled finishes over timber or lightweight steel joists, Secura exterior flooring is made from Scyon, an advanced, lightweight cement composite that is resistant to damage from moisture as well as termites, rot and fire. It has an advanced polymer coating that seals all sides and a mesh reinforcement on the underside to keep the balcony’s substrate structurally sound against the elements.